October 5, 2011

Inappropriate things my husband says #1

Anyone who knows my husband knows he is a funny guy, but sometimes he has no filter (probably where Rylee gets some of the off the wall stuff she says) paired with impeccable timing. So I decided to start a segment called inappropriate things my husband says.

While on a weekend getaway at the in-laws cabin in Strawberry Valley, we decided to take a drive up the La Porte. There is one little hole-in-the-wall bar in the town (if you've been that way, you know the one), so we decided to stop and have a drink. There were two guys up at the bar ordering when we walked up.

"Two bloody mary's, please". The lady behind the bar opens up her V-8 and tips it upside-down....nothing came out at first. "Pffffftttttt-slluuuuuuuurp-PLOP!" (that's the sound the big chunk of V-8 made as it un-suctioned itself from the can).

Immediately Danny comes back with "That looked like a placenta!" I swear the entire bar went silent.

The guys looked at each other and back at the bartender......"We'll have two beers please"

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